Parts per million concentration worksheet pdf

Introduction to calculating the parts per million ppm concentration. Complete the following fraction so that both are equal. It is often found in reports of concentration of water contaminants. Your ability to apply relevant concepts regarding parts per million will be tested using this short quiz and corresponding worksheet. For very dilute solutions concentrations are sometimes expressed in parts per million. What is the concentration of the chemical in parts per hundred pph. To calculate parts per million, divide the mass of the solute by the total mass of the solution. The following video looks at calculating concentration of solutions. Below are opportunities to practice %, ppm and ppb calculations, in all of these assume that every ml of water has a mass of 1 gram. What is the concentration of the chemical in parts per million ppm. Parts per million is a measure of the concentration of a solution. What is the concentration of the chemical in parts per thousand ppt. We will look at a sample problem dealing with calculating ppm and ppb parts per millionparts per billion.

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